To everyone reading this blog, no matter what you celebrate, I hope it was healthy, restful, relaxing and joyful. We had everyone here except for Taylor, who was with her mom in Nova Scotia but is thankfully coming to Moncton later this week so we will see her next weekend.
In other news, I am due to fly out tomorrow morning to Orlando for some meetings but from the look of the impending Nor'easter heading this way and having already received word from Air Canada to expect delays and cancellations, I'm not sure what will happen tomorrow. I'm only scheduled to be there until Thursday morning so a 1-2 delay will render the trip useless. I'm pretty sure they don't refund for situations like this either. On the bright side, my sister and her hubby and my niece Kendra are traveling home right now and should be here before the big bomb hits! Please be safe if you are traveling today or tomorrow - it's better to stay home and miss something and be safe!
The best gift of all was having all three of my babies under the same roof and the special times spent together to celebrate family. That's what the holidays are all about to me. My babies & I on Dec. 24th
Brother Scott, Kyle, nephew Stephen, Ryan and Dad posing for a festive photo on Dec. 24th.
I cannot believe that 2010 is done in 2 weeks. It's been quite a year for our family with me (mom) having a huge tumour in my stomach removed along with a full hysterectomy in August (all benign thank goodness), working full time & doing university in the fall until Dec. 3, when I fell and broke my leg, thus thrusting us into the holiday season with mom basically immobile. Dad also has hurt his shoulder and back this year. The back healed up quite nicely but the shoulder is going to take more work.
Nevertheless, we shall prevail as we always do! Despite the icky things that have happened, it's still been a good year. Here are some highlights: Kennedy - Kennedy passed her Red Cross certification for babysitting in February - She performed in the Interaction Children's Theatre Production of "Saint John History Mystery" - She ended the year on a great note from Grade 6 in June winning an award at school for her positive attitude - She participated in Cheerleading for the first time and did great at the competitions in the spring - Began grade 7 in the fall and had an amazing first home report: 5 A+, 2 A, and 1 B - she tries so hard and we are so proud of her! - Despite mom having to miss it because of injury, Kennedy enjoyed a fabulous time at a Justin Bieber concert in early December. (Dad wins "Dad of the Year" for taking her in amongst all those screaming girls!) - After many years with the BAHA Divino, we are testing a new BAHA for Kennedy called the Ponto, made by Oticon. We are THRILLED to report that she can independently put this one on herself - really one of the LAST things left that she could not do independently. This was SO HUGE for her. We will probably be ordering this for her in the new year.
Taylor - Taylor (our sweet granddaughter) turned two and had several celebrations in her honour. - She is talking so well and just progressing along wonderfully. - We love her immensely and although she has moved now with her mom Angela to Cape Breton, NS, she is home to Moncton, NB often so we can see her. - She came to visit us numerous times this year at our home and at the trailer. - We went down in October to visit her on Thanksgiving weekend (also her birthday). It's hard to believe she is two!
Ryan - Ryan (big brother) landed a new job that he really enjoys at Loblaws. - Still living in Moncton - We've just recently learned that our second grandchild is on the way, thanks to Ryan and his girlfriend Felicia - and this time, it's a boy and he will be called Seth (a name I LOVE - yay!)
Kyle - Kyle (big brother) landed a full time job at HMV that he enjoys. - He and girlfriend Marie are doing well and quite serious after a year and a half. - He and Marie are planning a trip to California...California, Ontario that is! This is Marie's hometown and they are going for a trip on the holiday break. Did you know there was a California in Ontario? I didn't, until I met Marie.
Graeme - Graeme had a good year with the blueberries - a lot better this year than last year (which, in his words, was awful!) - He has begun physiotherapy for what the physio has deemed a 'frozen' shoulder and after only a few sessions, he is showing progress so we are happy for that. It will take a lot more work to get it completely better, but at least he feels he is on the way (he hasn't been able to lift his left arm up past his chest since the spring).
Lisa - Well it's been a year for surgery, injury and recovery as mentioned in the beginning but I've learned there's nothing I can do about it and I might as well try and enjoy the 'break' (pun sadly intended). I'm trying to get other work done for the CHARGE Syndrome Foundation and for university while off work and looking forward to getting back with my students in the new year. - This year was also full of time 'away' as I had to go to Halifax for a month in July to begin my Master's degree (in Educational Psychology - Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing), then off to an undisclosed location immediately after that for a week to choose the site of the 2013 International CHARGE Syndrome Conference, and as of next week, I'm off to Orlando for an executive meeting at the 2011 site for the International CHARGE Syndrome Conference from the 27-30 of December. I'll be hopping along on crutches or in a wheelchair but will get it done!
I hope all of you who read the blog have a safe, healthy, and happy holiday season. Here is a little smattering of our 2010 in pictures...
Hope everyone is enjoying this lovely month of October. I've gone back to work now as of October 1st, along with my 2 grad school courses so of course, the blog is in its usual state of neglect. Kennedy is busy in grade 7 as cheerleading has begun. She is now at an overnight 'cheerathon' and I should be in bed; however, as luck would have it, I'm experiencing a bout of insomnia!
I wanted to share a few photos from our Thanksgiving weekend visit to see Taylor for her 2nd birthday. As you can see, Kennedy loves being an aunt. She read every one of Taylor's cards to her, it was very cute.
What are YOU doing next Tuesday night (September 21) at 9pm Atlantic? I can tell you what we'll be doing: Season Two begins - yay! We haven't got Dad on board with the whole Glee addiction yet but maybe this season!
It's grade seven. Grade SEVEN. How did THAT happen? She was just learning to walk yesterday, wasn't she?
Lots of changes this year so far - big steps (more for her father and I, I think, than Kennedy) - she is going on the regular school bus this year and going in the locker room to change for P.E. on her own to name a couple. The phase of wanting to be cool (which automatically makes her dad and I decidedly UNCOOL) has definitely blossomed over the summer and a little bit of that 'almost teen' attitude has also emerged. Most people would say that these things were things they weren't looking forward to; however, to me, it's wonderful. It's development. It's progress. It's awareness of social cues that happen at this age. So, I will take the eye-rolling, the "Mom, don't, my friends are looking", the emotions and everything else that comes along with adolescence. Why? Because when you start here: You tend to appreciate every single development that occurs. You take nothing for granted. Not even a breath.
Kennedy - first day of grade seven, September 7th, 2010.
Just catching up on life and popped over to the neglected blog to see my background has disappeared. I've installed this new one for now but we'll see how the readability is; I may have to change it.
Lots going on with us - I was away all of July in Halifax for university doing my Master's degree. Kennedy was away at Deaf camp in Halifax for one week of that; she also spent a week having fun with my sister in Antigonish, NS. My granddaughter Taylor is doing well, although they have now moved to Nova Scotia and I fear I'm not going to see her as much :(
Kennedy Update: Kennedy has finished grade six since I last wrote - had a marvellous year with a school team who truly seems to 'get it' (can you hear the hallelujah chorus playing in the background???) She also performed at the Imperial Theatre with the InterAction Children's Theatre in "Saint John History Mystery". She played Mrs. Chubbs, a woman who was very angry at her husband for his poorly-designed building (in her opinion). It was a hoot to see her scream and yell at this poor 'husband' in their act. In June, she received a school spirit 'celebrate' award because of her cheerful attitude and ability to make everyone smile. She also won a similar award from her classroom teacher. This summer, when she wasn't off at Deaf Camp or at her Aunt's house, she spent a lot of time at our summer place on beautiful Belleisle Bay, either at Nana & Papa's trailer or with me, at our trailer when I would come home for the weekends. She is looking forward to seventh grade, trying out for the cheer team again and going back to Theatre classes of course. Most of all, though, she is excited to see JUSTIN BIEBER - we got tickets for a show in New Hampshire on Sept. 1st. She is over the moon and counting down the days faithfully.
Mom Update: I'm going to have surgery on Thursday, Aug. 19th so I will be even more defunct at updating the blog. Unfortunately, August has been mostly me preparing for it, making sure Kennedy is ready for school, the house is all cleaned, etc. as I am not allowed to do anything for six weeks post-op. That should be fun - NOT!
I'm going to post some pictures of things that have happened since MAY - my last blog update...enjoy! You can click on any of the pictures to enlarge them!
Got the tickets - going to see Justin Bieber - Sept. 1st!!!
Kennedy - Cheer Pics 2010
Kennedy - Cheer 2010
Cheer Collage 2010
May 2010 - Kennedy before her performance at the Imperial Theatre
Visiting with one of her BFFs - MacKenzie, at an appointment in Halifax
June 2010 - Receiving her Celebrate award from her teacher, Mr. Graham
August 2010 - Hanging out with some cousins from Ontario at a Family Reunion
August 2010 - Heading out to a friend's birthday party
Hey gang, I guess with all the updating, etc. that happens so quickly on Facebook, I've been neglectful here on the blog. Kennedy is doing GREAT and so busy (thus the lack of time for bloggage). I guess that is a good thing, right?
She is going to be in the provincial competitions tomorrow for middle school cheerleading and is very excited about it. It's been her first year for cheer and she has really enjoyed it. There have been many practices and four big competitions. It's been really great for her and I must say, I have enjoyed going to watch the competitions. I have to say I am REALLY glad she isn't one of the "flyers" that goes up in the air, that would make me nauseous if I had to watch one of my kids up in the air like that.
In addition, she's getting ready for her big InterAction Children's Theatre show next week, called, "Saint John History Mystery" - which is timely seeing that our city is going to be celebrating its 225th birthday the week after with lots of events going on. She will also be participating in a huge group dance/singing at Harbour Station on May 18th as part of the Saint John 225 celebrations. Needless to say, the month of May belongs to Kennedy and her schedule. I couldn't be happier. Or more tired. :)
Here's a shot of Ms. K, along with the rest of her team, the Millidgeville North Stars! (she is fourth from left and the girl just before her is the same age as Kennedy - talk about height disparity!!) You can click on the picture to enlarge it.
Just a shout out to you blog-readers to give you a quick update on life. The reason I haven't been keeping up (even worse than usual) is that I began a new full-time job in December as an itinerant teacher for students who are deaf or hard of hearing. It's busy, challenging, time-consuming and I absolutely love it. This is what I'd wanted to do all along so it's a thrill to finally be doing it!
Kennedy continues to thrive at middle school - she is joining everything! She made the cheerleading team, is on the "Celebrate" team at her school (they plan various events, etc around the school), she continues to do sign language club with her interpreter once a week, is in the school choir, which just began in January, is taking a four-week babysitting course through the Red Cross, and is back to theatre classes at Interaction Children's Theatre Company after the holiday break. She also just mentioned the other day she put her hand up when they asked who was interested in going skiing at the school (yikes!). She also got funding for a new "netbook" computer, which will be a great help to her at school for taking notes, working on projects, reports, etc. It travels to and from school so she can continue on work she started at school in the evenings, etc. It is very cute, bright blue and already adorned with a "Justin Bieber" desktop. That would also be another BIG interest in her life right now - as she says, she's got "the Bieber fever"...
So, you see my friends, even if I were NOT working my butt off at my new job, I'd still have little time for updating the blog (or anything else) because my daughter has a much fuller, exciting life than her father and I do and we are the designated chauffeurs for our busy gal.
We also find time in amongst Kennedy's busy social calendar to get up to Moncton to see our sweet granddaughter Taylor (we actually made it there earlier today!), who is growing up so fast it's scary!
CHARGE syndrome is a recognizable (genetic) pattern of birth defects which occurs in about one in every 9-10,000 births worldwide. It is an extremely complex syndrome, involving extensive medical and physical difficulties that differ from child to child. The vast majority of the time, there is no history of CHARGE syndrome or any other similar conditions in the family. Babies with CHARGE syndrome are often born with life-threatening birth defects, including complex heart defects and breathing problems. They spend many months in the hospital and undergo many surgeries and other treatments. Swallowing and breathing problems make life difficult even when they come home. Most have hearing loss, vision loss, and balance problems which delay their development and communication. All are likely to require medical and educational intervention for many years. Despite these seemingly insurmountable obstacles, children with CHARGE syndrome often far surpass their medical, physical, educational, and social expectations.
Continued research is needed to help us understand the medical and developmental challenges facing individuals with CHARGE. Better understanding will lead the way to interventions, therapies and educational strategies which can help people with CHARGE syndrome overcome many of the obstacles in their lives.
One of the hidden features of CHARGE syndrome is the determination and strong character these children display.