Monday, July 9, 2007

Playing Tourist

Kennedy in King's Square looking beautiful as everWe took a mini-vacation yesterday. Where did we go? Some exotic getaway? Nope. We stayed right here in our own little city. We packed ourselves up, went uptown and acted like complete tourists. We did all the things people do when they're tourists in a new place: we visited all the landmarks, took goofy pictures of ourselves, spent too much money eating at a restaurant overlooking the water, and we just took our time and walked up and down the city streets we so often fly by without giving them a second thought. We read plaques and monuments that we'd never read before, looked in shop windows we'd never stopped at before, we basically took a moment to stop and smell the roses of our own city, to appreciate the things we take for granted about where we live.

I'm not saying it's not good to get away or visit a new locale, but it doesn't hurt to stop and take the time to remember the great things about where you are right now. Try it sometime - go be a tourist in your own city!

Here are some other photos of beautiful uptown Saint John. The architecture is really impressive; I guess that's the one positive that came out of the Great Fire of 1877:

1 comment:

Crystal M. said...

Looks like a beautiful place to live and visit I hope one day Eva and I get to visit, I love just walking around and looking at cute towns like that. You are so lucky to live so close to something like that. See you REALLY SOON!!! :)
Crystal and Eva