Just a shout out to you blog-readers to give you a quick update on life. The reason I haven't been keeping up (even worse than usual) is that I began a new full-time job in December as an itinerant teacher for students who are deaf or hard of hearing. It's busy, challenging, time-consuming and I absolutely love it. This is what I'd wanted to do all along so it's a thrill to finally be doing it!

Kennedy continues to thrive at middle school - she is joining everything! She made the cheerleading team, is on the "Celebrate" team at her school (they plan various events, etc around the school), she continues to do sign language club with her interpreter once a week, is in the school choir, which just began in January, is taking a four-week babysitting course through the Red Cross, and is back to theatre classes at
Interaction Children's Theatre Company after the holiday break. She also just mentioned the other day she put her hand up when they asked who was interested in going skiing at the school (yikes!). She also got funding for a new "netbook" computer, which will be a great help to her at school for taking notes, working on projects, reports, etc. It travels to and from school so she can continue on work she started at school in the evenings, etc. It is very cute, bright blue and already adorned with a "
Justin Bieber" desktop. That would also be another BIG interest in her life right now - as she says, she's got "the Bieber fever"...
So, you see my friends, even if I were NOT working my butt off at my new job, I'd still have little time for updating the blog (or anything else) because my daughter has a much fuller, exciting life than her father and I do and we are the designated chauffeurs for our busy gal.

We also find time in amongst Kennedy's busy social calendar to get up to Moncton to see our sweet granddaughter Taylor (we actually made it there earlier today!), who is growing up so fast it's scary!
Hope life is treating you all well!