Lots going on with us - I was away all of July in Halifax for university doing my Master's degree. Kennedy was away at Deaf camp in Halifax for one week of that; she also spent a week having fun with my sister in Antigonish, NS. My granddaughter Taylor is doing well, although they have now moved to Nova Scotia and I fear I'm not going to see her as much :(
Kennedy Update:
Kennedy has finished grade six since I last wrote - had a marvellous year with a school team who truly seems to 'get it' (can you hear the hallelujah chorus playing in the background???) She also performed at the Imperial Theatre with the InterAction Children's Theatre in "Saint John History Mystery". She played Mrs. Chubbs, a woman who was very angry at her husband for his poorly-designed building (in her opinion). It was a hoot to see her scream and yell at this poor 'husband' in their act. In June, she received a school spirit 'celebrate' award because of her cheerful attitude and ability to make everyone smile. She also won a similar award from her classroom teacher. This summer, when she wasn't off at Deaf Camp or at her Aunt's house, she spent a lot of time at our summer place on beautiful Belleisle Bay, either at Nana & Papa's trailer or with me, at our trailer when I would come home for the weekends. She is looking forward to seventh grade, trying out for the cheer team again and going back to Theatre classes of course. Most of all, though, she is excited to see JUSTIN BIEBER - we got tickets for a show in New Hampshire on Sept. 1st. She is over the moon and counting down the days faithfully.
Mom Update:
I'm going to have surgery on Thursday, Aug. 19th so I will be even more defunct at updating the blog. Unfortunately, August has been mostly me preparing for it, making sure Kennedy is ready for school, the house is all cleaned, etc. as I am not allowed to do anything for six weeks post-op. That should be fun - NOT!
I'm going to post some pictures of things that have happened since MAY - my last blog update...enjoy! You can click on any of the pictures to enlarge them!
Got the tickets - going to see Justin Bieber - Sept. 1st!!!

Kennedy - Cheer Pics 2010
Kennedy - Cheer 2010

Cheer Collage 2010

May 2010 - Kennedy before her performance at the Imperial Theatre
Visiting with one of her BFFs - MacKenzie, at an appointment in Halifax

June 2010 - Receiving her Celebrate award from her teacher, Mr. Graham

August 2010 - Hanging out with some cousins from Ontario at a Family Reunion

August 2010 - Heading out to a friend's birthday party