I can't believe the year is over. Kennedy got her home report yesterday and passed all her subjects, spelling and Social Studies were her two highest marks. I'm just thrilled she is doing the regular curriculum with some modifications and keeping up. We are so proud of her. The next time I see my little beauty in about three hours, she will be a grade fiver! Where has the time gone?
She looked so cute this morning, wearing her little Old Navy dress to school, that I had to snap a couple of pictures. She is getting to be such a big girl and that hair! She agreed this morning to a 'trim' - she has a major long hair obsession that I don't think is going anywhere anytime soon.
We have a busy summer planned, she is going to two weeks of theatre camp, one week of deaf camp, and one week of Nana & Papa camp while I am in Europe for my March of the Living Trip. We are also having her two friends Marysa & Jenna for four weeks this summer so she is excited to have two 'sisters' for part of the summer. Between all of that and me finishing up two more university courses, things won't slow down a whole lot but that's okay, I'm sure we will have lots of fun.
To close, I'll leave you with another one of the photos this morning, up closer and in colour: