Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Bloody Wednesday

Today Kennedy's BAHA site was really "angry" when I cleaned it this morning. We do the same routine every day but for some reason it just gets really icky and sore sometimes. Tonight it began bleeding a LOT (most I've ever seen) - her hair was matted and everything. It was a sin! She had to miss Girl Guides (which she loves) and go the whole evening without her BAHA on, and she LOVES her hearing aid, but I had to let it dry out some and try and get it healed. Hopefully tomorrow is a better day as she has a big pizza party with the Sea Dogs (our local Major Junior League hockey team).

On a good note, I am finished classes until the first of May...just need to study for those exams next week!


Crystal M. said...

Poor Kennedy I hope you make it to your pizza party!!
Crystal and Eva

Maeve said...

I too hope she has a speedy recovery.