Over the years, we've forged many friendships through the world of CHARGE syndrome. It's definitely been a highlight to have others who get it with whom we can talk, share feelings and spend time.
Kennedy and MacKenzie have been close pretty much since birth, as have Jeanie & I, after nurses connected us in 1998 when the girls were both in hospital together. Over the years, we've met many other moms, including Colleen and her daughter Clare, who we've connected with at the CHARGE conferences over the years. The three gals have had a great time together at recent conferences but we always lamented the fact it was 2 years between the times when the girls would see each other again. Clare and her family lived in Ohio and Jeanie, MacKenzie, Kennedy and I in Atlantic Canada.
We sought to rectify that this year and we did a short trip to Old Orchard Beach, ME. Because of scheduling conflicts, we would only have 3 days together but it was just magical to see the girls connecting, chatting away, laughing and having fun. As I mentioned in a Facebook post I did with one of the pictures of them chatting away at breakfast,
of my favourite times during this trip involved just seeing the girls
communicating. They always sat at a separate table for meals and just
chatted away. Three friends, all with various levels of hearing loss,
each with different technology (BAHA, CI, BTEs) and different
communication styles yet they all signed, spoke, gestured and made it
work. Made my summer.
377 days until
conference...can't wait for Chicago!
Jeanie, MacKenzie, Kennedy & Lisa ready to head to the USA! |
The 3 gals ate at a separate table at all meals so they could yak... |
Old Orchard Beach, ME - lots of fun on rides... |
Saying their I Love Yous at Old Orchard |
Visiting a beautiful lighthouse at Cape Elizabeth - the Portland Head Light |
Swim time! |
Always tough to say good bye...until next summer! |